
STEM 是指 Science(科學)、Technology(技術)、Engineering(工程) 和 Mathematics(數學) 的統稱,這四個學科領域是現代教育、技術創新和經濟發展的基礎。STEM 教育和職業的重點是通過學科整合,培養學生和專業人士的批判性思維、問題解決能力和創新精神,以應對現實世界的挑戰。

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Shared Memory(共享記憶體)是一種行程間通訊(Inter-Process Communication,IPC)的機制,用來讓不同的行程(程式)能夠在同一計算機上共享一個記憶體區域,以進行高效的資料交換。共享記憶體是現代作業系統中最常用的 IPC 方法之一,因為它能夠比其他 IPC 機制(如管道Pipeline、訊息佇列 Message queue等)提供更高的資料傳輸效率。

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PPPoE(Point-to-Point Protocol over Ethernet,乙太網上的點對點協定)是一種網路協定,用於透過乙太網路建立點對點連接,主要用於 DSL寬頻接入網路。PPPoE 結合了 PPP(Point-to-Point Protocol,點對點協定)的安全性和驗證機制,並將其應用在乙太網路等多使用者環境中。

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FTP(File Transfer Protocol,檔案傳輸協定)是一種用於在網路上傳輸檔案的標準協定。它允許用戶在伺服器和客戶端之間上傳、下載或管理檔案。FTP 是最早的網路檔案傳輸協定之一,至今仍廣泛應用於網站管理、資料傳輸等場景中。

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Feature decoupling is a technique used in machine learning and feature engineering to improve the performance and interpretability of models by separating correlated or redundant features into independent components. The main goal of feature decoupling is to simplify the representation of data while retaining the most relevant information for the task at hand.

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Dual learning is a paradigm in machine learning that leverages the duality between two related tasks to improve learning efficiency and performance. The basic idea of dual learning is to train two models simultaneously, each focusing on a different aspect of the problem, while using feedback from one model to improve the learning of the other.

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Contrastive learning is a machine learning technique used for representation learning, where the goal is to learn useful representations of data points by contrasting them with each other. The basic idea is to encourage similar data points to be closer to each other in the learned representation space while pushing dissimilar data points further apart.

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Explainable Artificial Intelligence (XAI) refers to the set of techniques and methodologies aimed at making the outputs and decisions of AI systems understandable to humans. The goal of XAI is to increase transparency, trust, and accountability in AI systems by providing insights into how they arrive at their conclusions.

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